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Tick Identification & Prevention

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What are ticks?

Ticks thrive in heat and moisture, making Texas a place where ticks live in large populations and are active year-round.

Ticks are wingless, slow-moving insects that travel from place to place on the backs of their animal hosts. Ticks feed on the blood of their animal hosts and use specialized mouthparts to bite through the host's skin so they can burrow their head into the skin and insert a feeding tube. Ticks feed on a single host over a period of days; once they have had their fill, they will release themselves and fall to the ground. Their slow feeding habits mean that they transmit diseases easily, making them a threat to people and animals.

One of the most common ticks in our area is the brown dog tick. Before feeding, adults are only about 1/8 of an inch long, and their oval bodies are flat and reddish-brown. After feeding, they grow to about 1/2 an inch long and turn a more gray-blue or olive-green color.

tick on a leaf

Are ticks dangerous?

As ticks feed on different hosts throughout their life, they can acquire and spread diseases that make people and animals sick. Brown dog ticks can transmit canine ehrlichiosis and babesiosis to pets, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to people.

The more ticks you have living in your yard, the more likely they will find their way to you or your pets. Though not every tick carries a disease, many are, which is why you need always to limit your contact with biting, blood-feeding ticks.

Why do I have a tick problem?

The brown dog tick's preferred host is the dog. These ticks often become a problem in yards and homes after being introduced by dogs. Dogs typically come into contact with ticks after spending time in grassy areas or wooded areas.

In addition to dogs, brown dog ticks and other species regularly attach themselves to rodents, raccoons, skunks, and other wild animals. As their animal hosts travel and forage for food, they introduce these ticks to new indoor and outdoor spaces.

Where will I find ticks?

Brown dog ticks typically attach themselves to the skin behind a dog's ear or between its toes when feeding. Young ticks are usually found deep within an animal's fur on its back.

Most species of ticks can't complete their life cycle indoors, making them a threat only in our outdoor spaces. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for the brown dog tick; they can breed indoors and, after being introduced into a home, can cause large infestations.

Adults not feeding on a pet like a dog will find their way to a human host and feed on our blood. When brown dog ticks are not feeding, they hide in warm, dry areas of our homes like under furniture, in the bottom of closets, behind baseboards, or within wall voids.

How do I get rid of ticks?

Get rid of ticks from your Arlington property with the help of the professionals at All Seasons Pest Control. Our professionals provide our customers with honest services and the best customer service in the business. We are a family-owned business, treating each of our customers like they are part of our family. 

If you are looking for a safe, eco-friendly, and effective solution to your Texas property's pest problems, we have the services you are looking for. Learn more about ridding your yard or home of ticks and other pests by speaking with one of our professionals today!

How can I prevent ticks in the future?

Stop ticks from taking over your Texas property with the help of our most effective tick prevention tips.

  • If you own pets, make sure under the guidance of their veterinarian, they are on a year-round tick preventative.
  • Keep your grass cut short, and if wooded areas surround your yard, make sure you cut them back from the perimeter.
  • Create a crushed rock barrier between your foundation and any vegetation. 
  • Regularly vacuum your house to remove stray ticks that have come inside on you or your pets.
  • After you or your pets have spent time outside, especially in wooded areas, make sure to inspect for ticks before re-entering your home.

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